Laboratory of Toxicology
1 Maria Enrica Fracasso
2 Paola Franceschetti
3 Denise Doria
4 Michele Piazza
1 Department of Medicine and Public Health, Section of Pharmacology.
2 Medical School, University of Verona
Address Policlinico GB Rossi, P.le LA Scuro 10 - 37134 Verona, Italy
Phone +39-0458027606/11
Fax +39-045581111
Web Site 
1 Human genetic polymorphysms of CYP450 metabolism of I and II phase
2 Mutagenic tests: fluctuation test and Ames test on S. typhimurium (TA 1537; TA 1538; TA 98; TA 100; YG 1021; YG 1024) and E. coli (WP2; WP2 uvrA-) with and without metabolic system.
3 Mechanisms by which drugs or environmental agents modulate cell signalling: reactive oxygen species, glutathione, down- up-regulation of protein kinase C isoenzymes
4 DNA damage by Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis, neutral and alkaline version (Comet Assay) in lymphocytes, urothelial cells, oral mucosa cells
5 Analysis of DNA repair phenotype by the comet assay and enzymes in lymphocytes
1 Responsible of Toxicological Advisory Group Working in the Hospital of Verona
1 Toxicology courses for MD degree: Toxicology and Pharmacology Special course on Abuse of Drugs
2 Toxicology and Pharmacology for Nursing degree
3 Toxicology and Pharmacology for Techniques in Biomedical Laboratory degree
4 Toxicology for Ph.D – Biotechnologies in Biomedical Science
5 Specialization in Occupational Health
6 Specialization in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine
1 University of Verona: Occupational Health, Prof. L. Perbellini; Dep. of Pathology, Prof. F. Bonetti; Dep. of Biochem. Science and Surgery, Prof. G. Talamini; Dep. of Dentistry, Prof. F. Faccioni; Dep. of Anatomy, Prof. C. Zancanaro.
2 University of Bologna: Dep. of Pharmacology, Prof. P. Hrelia
3 University of Bari: Dep. of Med. And Public Health, Prof. L. Soleo
4 University of Siena: Dep. of Pharmacology, Prof. M. Valoti
5 University of Napoli: Dep. of Prev. Medical Science, Prof. M. Manno
6 University of Padova: Dep. Occupational Health, Prof. G. Bartolucci
1 Fracasso ME, Franceschetti P, Doria D, Talamini G, Bonetti F (2004). DNA breaks as measured by the alcaline comet assay in exfoliated cells as compared to voided urine cytology in the diagnosis of bladder cancer: a study of 105 patients. Mutation Res 564: 57-64.
2 Faccioni F, Franceschetti P, Cerpelloni M, Fracasso ME (2003). In vivo study on metal release from fixed orthodontic appliances and DNA damage in oral mucosa cells. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthoped 124/6:687-693.
3 Franceschetti P, Perbellini L, Tieghi S, Fracasso ME (2002). Comparative investigations in Single Cell Gell Electrophoresis (Comet Assay) in lymphocytes and the Ames-fluctuation test in the urine of workers of a rubber factory. Cancer Detect Prev 26(1):247.
4 Fracasso ME, Perbellini L, Soldà S, Talamini G, Franceschetti P (2002). Lead induced DNA strand breaks in lymphocytes of exposed workers: role of reactive oxygen species and protein kinase C. Mutation Res 515(2):159-169.
5 Fracasso ME, Franceschetti P., Doria D., Quintarelli E., Noris P., Brugnone F., Romeo L. (2004). Valutazione di danno e riparo del DNA mediante comet assay in linfociti di soggetti non-fumatori ed ex-fumatori esposti a fumo passivo. G Ital Med Lav Erg 26(4): 61-62.

  Ultimo aggiornamento: Dicembre 2005