Toxicology Unit, University of Pavia
and Salvatore Maugeri Foundation
Clinical Toxicology and Poison Centre;
National Toxicology Information Centre; Research Centre
1 Luigi Manzo
2 Carlo Locatelli
3 Raffaella Butera
4 Teresa Coccini
5 Giovanna Ruberto
6 F. Anna Castoldi
7 Davide Acerbi
8 Marinella Zanuti
9 Silvia Moroni
10 Anna Zanaboni
11 Giorgio Marrubini
12 Margherita Mattachini
13 Valeria Petrolini
14 Davide Lonati
15 Joannhe Georgatos
16 Paola Tatoni
17 M. Giovanna Randine
18 Simona Arrigoni
19 Alessandro Agazzi
20 Guido Bernareggi
21 Angelo Bove
22 Lidia Mela
23 Giancarlo Gobbi
24 Sarah Vecchio
25 Noreen May Gervasi
1 Department of Internal Medicine, Rheumatology and Clinical Toxicology Division, University of Pavia
2 IRCCS Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, Pavia Medical Institute
Address1 University: Piazza Botta 10 - 27100 Pavia
Phone1 +39-0382506357
Fax1 +39-038222741
Address 2 Hospital: Via Ferrata, 8 – 27100 Pavia
Phone 2 +39-038226261
Fax 2 +39-038224605
E-mail 2
Address 3 Research Centre: Via Brodolini 7– 27028 San Martino Siccomario, Pavia
Phone 3 +39-0382556600
Fax 3 +39-0382556615
E-mail 3
Web Site
1 National inventory of chemical substances
2 Preclinical and clinical studies of antidotes
3 Telemedicine applied to clinical toxicology
4 Chemical accidents: prevention, preparedness and response
5 Terrorism, medical response and public health
6 Poisons Control Centres Network
7 Toxicity of alpha amanitin
8 Carbon monoxide cardiotoxicity
9 Alternative in vitro models
10 Developmental neurotoxicity of ethanol
11 Biomarkers of exposure to industrial solvents
12 Bioethical issues in toxicology
13 Neurotoxicity of persistent organic pollutants
14 Inhalation toxicology of industrial solvents
15 Biomarkers in neurotoxicology
1 Graduate programme: Medical Toxicology; School of Medicine
2 Postgraduate programmes: Postgraduate School of Medical Toxicology; Courses of toxicology and pharmacology; Postgraduate Schools of Internal Medicine; Anesthesiology and Intensive Care; Infectious disease; Surgery; Pharmacology; Occupational Medicine; Psychiatry Clinical Pathology
3 Masters: Emergency Medicine; Risk Assessment in Environmental Toxicology
1 Poison Centre, 24h/day
2 Clinical management of poisoning by drugs and chemicals, drug and alcohol dependence
3 Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Toxicology
4 Italian Transport Emergencies Service “S.E.T.” - National co-operation programme for the prevention and control of logistic related chemical accidents - ICE
5 Industrial toxicovigilance
6 Hazard evaluation of drugs and chemicals
7 Clinical toxicokinetics
8 Risk assessment
1 Italian Department of Civil Protection – Presidency of Ministry Council
2 National Institute of Health (ISS)
3 National Institute of Work and Preventive Medicine (ISPESL)
4 National Research Council (CNR)
5 European Commission Joint Research Centre
6 Agency for Nature and Environment, Flintbek, Germany
7 National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven
8 University di Parma; University di Bari; Karolinska Institute, Stockholm; Stockholm University; University of Uppsala; Trinity College, Dublin; University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Fundacion Valenciana de Investigaciones Biomedicas, Valencia, Nofer Institute, Lods, Poland, University of Louvain, Brussels, University of South Florida, Tampa
9 National Hospitals Network (Toxicare)
10 Federation of Chemical Industries (Federchimica)
11 The Faroese Hospital System, Torshavn, Faroe Islands
1 Locatelli C, Butera R, Petrolini V, Bove A, Georgatos J, Agazzi A, Manzo L (2003). Side effects of antidotal therapy with pralidoxime in human organophosphate poisoning. Toxicol Letters 144 (S1):73.
2 Butera R, Bernareggi G, Petrolini V, Georgatos J, Lonati D, Bove A, Puglia S, Locatelli C, Manzo L (2003). Diagnostic value of urinary amanitin analysis in mushroom poisoning: a pilot study. J. Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41:511-512.
3 Marrubini G, Castoldi AF, Coccini T, Manzo L (2003). Prolonged ethanol ingestion enhances benzene myelotoxicity and lowers urinary concentrations of benzene metabolite levels in CD-1 male mice. Toxicol Sci 75:16-24.
4 Coccini T, Castoldi AF, Gandini C, Randine G, Vittadini G, Baiardi P, Manzo L (2002). Platelet monoamine oxidase B activity as a state marker for alcoholism: trend over time during withdrawal anf influence of smoking and gender. Alcohol & Alcoholism 37:566-572.
5 Castoldi AF, Coccini T, Ceccatelli S, Manzo L (2001). Neurotoxicity and molecular effects of methylmercury. Brain Res Bull 55:197-203.

  Ultimo aggiornamento: Dicembre 2005