International Centre for Pesticides and Health Risk Prevention
1 Marco Maroni
2 Claudio Colosio
3 Domenica Auteri
4 Giovanna Azimonti
5 Romilde Basla
6 Sarah Birindelli
7 Antonella Fait
8 Teresa Mammone
9 Franco Mariani
10 Marcello Martinelli
11 Elena Redolfi
12 Maurizio Ronchin
13 Manuela Tiramani
14 Sara Visentin
1 Azienda Ospedaliera Luigi Sacco-Polo Universitario. Milano
Address Via Magenta 25, 20020 Busto Garolfo (Milan) Italy
Phone +39-0331406611
Fax +39-0331568023
Web Site
1 Pesticide risk to man and environment
2 Biological monitoring of pesticide exposure
3 Biomarkers
4 Occupational health
5 Public and rural health
6 Food safety
1 “European Master in Risk Assessment and Risk Analysis” - in co-operation with the Universities of Milan (Italy), Utrecht (NL), and Surrey (UK) (2002-2004)
2 Course of Environmental Toxicology – Post-graduate Specialisation School of Occupational Health, Institute of Occupational Health, Medical School of the “Università degli Studi” of Milano (Italy)
3 Course of Occupational Health – Post-graduate Specialisation School of Public Health Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Medical School of the “Università degli Studi” of Milano (Italy)
1 Pesticide Registration (Directive 91/414/EEC)
Advice and technical support to the Italian Ministry of Health, as well as to the European Commission, for the peer-review process of active ingredients and plant protection products (PPPs), in the frame of Council Directive EEC/91/414 on the authorization of pesticides at Member State and European level.
2 European Commission and EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)
Participation in EC scientific committees (as active members or invited experts), on matters concerning the safety of plant protection products for workers, consumers of treated products, as well as environmental risks.
3 United Nations Organisations
ICPS provides technical support to the WHO programmes for workplace health and safety promotion, and to the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS), with specific focus on occupational health and health promotion in rural areas.
4 Italian Ministry of Health
Participation as members of the National Advisory Committee on Pesticide Products of the Italian Ministry of Health, on matters concerning evaluation and authorization of Plant Protection Products in Italy.
5 Italian Ministry of Environment
The ICPS staff provides advisory and consultation services to the Italian Ministry of Environment on matters concerning the environmental fate and the ecotoxicological properties of pesticides, and the prediction of environmental pesticide risks, particularly for surface and groundwater scenarios.
6 PESTIDOC, a relational database addressed at providing updated documentation on pesticides through the ICPS website (
1 Region of Lombardy Departments - Department of Health Department of Agriculture Regional Environment Agency (ARPA) Regional Institute for Education and Training (IREF) Regional Agency for Agricultural Development (ERSAL)
2 Italian Government Departments and Agencies - Ministry of Health Ministry of Environment Ministry of Agriculture National Environment Agency (ANPA) ISPESL ISS International Agency ENEA
3 International Organisations - World Health Organization Headquarters, Geneva World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Copehnagen WHO Centre for Environment and Health European Union (DG Research, DG SANCO) European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) ILO ICOH International Association of Agricultural Medicine & Rural Health (IAAMR)
4 Industrial Associations - European Crop Protection Industry (ECPA) Italian Association of Agrochemical Industry (Agrofarma)
5 Universities - Università degli Studi, Milano Consorzio Milano Ricerche Università di Milano Bicocca (Department of Environmental Sciences)
1 Maroni M, Tiramani M, Fait A, Iversen B, Colosio C (2003). Definition of acceptable operator exposure levels (AOELs) to pesticides. G Ital Med Lav Ergon 25(3):355-356.
2 Colosio C, Harari R, Birindelli S, Campo L, Fustinoni S, Harari H, Somaruga C, Tiramani M, Visentin S, Maroni M (2003). Occupational exposure to fungicides in floriculture in Ecuador. G Ital Med Lav Ergon 25 Suppl(3):107-108.
3 Tiramani M, Ariano E, Birindelli S, Ronchin M, Savi S, Carreri V, Colosio C, Maroni M (2003). Risk profiles in agriculture: activities in the region of Lombardy. G Ital Med Lav Ergon 25 Suppl(3):264-265.
4 Maroni M, Mocci F, Visentin S, Preti G, Fanetti AC (2003). Periportal fibrosis and other liver ultrasonography findings in vinyl chloride workers. Occup Environ Med 60(1):60-65.
5 Bruinen de Bruin Y, Hanninen O, Carrer P, Maroni M, Kephalopoulos S, Scotto di Marco G, Jantunen M (2004). Simulation of working population exposures to carbon monoxide using EXPOLIS-Milan microenvironment concentration and time-activity data. J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol 14(2):154-163.
6 PESTIDOC, a relational database addressed at providing updated documentation on pesticides through the ICPS website (

  Ultimo aggiornamento: Dicembre 2005