Group of Ecotoxicology
1 Marco Vighi
2 Antonio Finizio
3 Sara Villa
1 Department of Environmental Sciences (DISAT), University of Milano Bicocca
Address Piazza della Scienza 1, 20126 Milano
Phone +390264482741
Fax +390264482795
Web Site
1 Effects of chemicals on ecosystems
2 Environmental distribution and fate of chemicals
3 Ecotoxicological risk assessment
1 Ecotoxicology I (C.L.S. Sciences and Technologies for the Environment and the Territory)
2 Ecotoxicology II (C.L.S. Sciences and Technologies for the Environment and the Territory)
3 Laboratory of Ecotoxicology (C. L. Sciences and Technologies for the Environment)
1 Lancaster University (UK)
2 University of Bremen (Germany)
3 University of Goteborg (Sweden)
4 Biologische Bundesamt – BBA (Germany)
5 National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) Roskilde, Denmark
6 UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum, Leipzig-Halle, Germany
7 National Institute of Public Health and Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, The Netherlands
8 University of Reading, Centre for Agri-Environmental Research, Reading, UK
1 Backhaus T, Faust M, Scholze M, Grammatica P, Vighi M, Grimme L H (2004). The joint algal toxicity of Phenylurea Herbicides is equally oredictable by concentration addition and independent action. Ecotoxicol Environ Chem 23:258-264.
2 Tremolada P., Bernardinelli I., Colombo M., Spreafico M., Vighi M. (2004) Coumaphos Distribution in the Hive Ecosystem: Case Study for Modelling Applications. Ecotoxicology 13, 589-601.
3 Backhaus T., Faust M., Scholze M., Grammatica P., Vighi M., Grimme L. H. (2004) The Joint Algal Toxicity of Phenylurea Herbicides is Equally Predictable by Concentration Addition and Independent Action. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 23, 258-264.
4 Tremolada P., Finizio A., Villa S., Gaggi C., Vighi M. (2004) Inter-specific comparison of the acute toxicity of pesticides in the aquatic environment. Aquatic Toxicology, 67, 87-103.
5 Finizio A., Villa S., Vighi M. (2005) Predicting pesticide mixtures in surface waters from a given crop. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 111, 111-118.
6 Settele J., Hammen V, Hulme P, Karlson U, Klotz S, Kotarac M, Kunin W, Marion G, O'Connor M, Petanidou T, Peterson K, Potts S, Pritchard H, Pysek P, Rounsevell M, Spangenberg J, Steffan-Dewenter I, Sykes M, Vighi M, Zobel M & Kühn I (2005) ALARM: Assessing LArge-scale environmental Risks for biodiversity with tested Methods - The concept, objectives, structure and management of a large Integrated Project within the 6th framework programme of the European Commission. GAIA, 14, 69-72.
7 Travisi C.M., Nijcamp P., Vighi M., Giacomelli P. (2005) Managing pesticide risks for non-target ecosystems with pesticide risk indicators: a multicriteria approach. Int. J. Environ. and Technol. Management, 6: 141-162.

  Ultimo aggiornamento: Dicembre 2005