Critical Care Unit (Servizio di Anestesia e Rianimazione)
1 Roberto Zoppellari
2 Aurelia Guberti
3 Enrico Ferri
4 Daria Osti
5 Erica Fabbri
6 Silvia Bortolazzi
7 Anna Pinamonti
1 S. Anna Hospital, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Ferrara
Address Corso Giovecca 203 44100 Ferrara
Phone +39-0532236321/236351
Fax +39-0532236902
Web Site
1 Relationship between toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics in clinical poisoning
2 Toxicological emergencies and chemical disasters
3 Treatment of poisonings by pesticides
4 Antidotes availability in emergency settings
1 Services in the Critical Care Unit and in the Emergency Department (S. Anna Hospital, Ferrara)
2 Toxicological investigations in clinical poisoning
1 Teaching of Toxicology in Postgraduate Medical School in Anesthesia and Critical Care (Ferrara University)
2 Direction of the simulation “Medical management of chemical disaster” performed in the Ferrara site of “Montell Polyolefins Europe Division” and commissioned by the National Toxicology Information Centre – Poison Centre of Pavia and the Italian Ministry of Health (1996)
3 Scientific secretariat and organising of the International Congress “Present and future in clinical toxicology” (Ferrara 24.05.1997); the programme included a lecture of Prof. Ch Bismuth (Paris) and Prof SW Borron (Washington)
4 Scientific secretariat of the Congress “Toxicological Urgency and Emergency” (Ferrara 24.01. 2004); the programme included a lecture of Dr. C Locatelli (Pavia) and Dr. Butera (Pavia)
1 National Toxicology Information Centre – Poison Centre of Pavia
2 Dr. Zoppellari is Full Member of the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists since 2000 and of the Italian Society of Toxicology (SITOX) since 1994
1 Zoppellari R, Osti D, Lamborghini S, Tosi S, Butera R, Petrolini V, Guberti A (2005). Digoxin toxicity from intentional intravenous injection: a case report treated with digoxin-specific antibody fragments. In: (abstracts) XXV International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, Berlin 2005: 115.
2 Zoppellari R, Osti D, Pinamonti A, Brunaldi V, Antonelli T, Locatelli C, Avato FM, Guberti A (2005). Amitriptyline poisoning from intentional intravenous injection: clinical aspects and toxicokinetic data. In: (abstracts) XXV International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, Berlin 2005: 132-3.
3 Zoppellari R, Pinamonti A, Shafii P, Fabbri E, Marchi M, Mantovani G, Bovolenta A, Guberti A. Organophosphate poisoning: from a case report to clinical implications of methidathion toxicokinetics. (2004). In: (proceedings) Antidotes in Depth 2004 and NBRC Emergencies, Clinical and Public Health Issues, International Continuing Educational Course in Clinical Toxicology, Pavia 26-28.9.2004, p. 20-5.
4 Zoppellari R, Ferri E, Osti D, Guberti A (2003-04). Il ruolo del rianimatore nella gestione dell'intossicazione da farmaci. Atti Accademia delle Scienze di Ferrara (anno accademico 181) 81: 157-167.
5 Zoppellari R, Baldi ML, Fabbri E, Muzzoli AC, Guberti A (2003). Severe amlodipine overdose: relationship between toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics. Clinical Toxicology 41 (4): 509.
6 Zoppellari R (2000). Update nelle intossicazioni: la relazione fra tossicocinetica e tossicodinamica ed il concetto di dinetica. Educational Synopses in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. The Online Journal of Anaesthesiology - sezione italiana 5 (n.11, novembre).
7 Zoppellari R (2000). Antidotal therapy and intensive management of organophosphate poisoning. In: (proceedings) Recent Issues in Clinical Toxicology Antidotes in Depth, Pavia 10-12.7.2000, p. 55-63.

  Ultimo aggiornamento: Dicembre 2005